Rick Anderson General Contractor In New Mexico.
When we moved to our residence now 33 years. For 3 years I never knew the meaning of the street God put us on. Sangre De Cristo.
The Blood Of Christ

Know Someone
Addicted To Drugs ?
That's The Least Of Their Problems.
When You Receive The Holy Spirit, The Bible Reads as If You Wrote It Yourself... It Makes Sense.

Power Points
ALL True Stories

The Drugs Of Today have the potential of creating addicts and death at a far faster pace.They start out as a socializing aspect.You think you're in control, you think you can quit at anytime. When you find out that was a lie...then they come for you. Especially the new drugs that are coming out today at an alarming rate. Their only purpose (goal)is to psychologically disarrange your mind, while ultimately seeking your life. Sometimes your first time is all the drug needs of you.
They Are Not Your Friend

Lord, If Only Someone Would Have Told Me About You Before All This.
James 4:8
No bible, No pastor, No church, No Christian friends...just the man's way of thinking, if you talked about God you were weak.

No Rehabilitation
But A New Creation
Had To Give His Life For Yours. AND HE DID!!


Most people just want their loved ones off drugs, and everything
will be fine and things will be back to the way they were.
NOT REALLY!!! Drugs leave a mental scar. And that scar can
only be healed by Jesus Christ Alone. Only then, will things be
back to as they were. But.....ONLY BETTER!!!

Been going to church
all your life and
you're not excited?

you have no testimony.
go get one!

He Awaits
I Know It Sucks, Been There.
I know You Don't Want To Be This Way
Time To get Your Life Back.
Mr. & Mrs. Addict. In Jesus's eyes, you are no different than those who have sat in church most of their lives and have never met their Lord.
Has to do with Lukewarm, Never knew you ,cold and hot, kingdom. Stuff like that. But, Never mind, you'll understand this later when Jesus delivers you from your addicitons.
If this candy which you have consumed, would have taken everything away from you the first time. You would have said, "Boy, never going to do that again." That's not how this works, as I'm sure you have found out. It's a slow process. Years later you will say, "Who have I become?" SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!
Right now, I say you are at the best place in your life. You are about to be transformed and given a high which no drug on earth is compared to. Thank You Jesus!
Hate God...No Problem.
Don't Believe In God...No Problem
Think Christians Are Hypocrites...No Problem
Wondering If There Is A God...No Problem
Convinced The Bible Is A Bunch Of Fairy Tales...No Problem
Gave God A Try, Didn't Work...No You Didn't, God Knows Your Heart
Don't Want To Hear Anything About God...PROBLEM!
Do You Know what I have seen more times than not? It's a faint hearted Christian family who were at their wits end over their childs addiction. Their child gets saved and delivered from whatever. But, now all they talk about is Jesus. Sometimes, their parents swirl their eyes up in their head when they hear their children go on and on and on about what Jesus did for them. And here is the kicker. Not even the noticeable drastic changes, gets the faint hearts to ever seem to want what their now child of God has. Amazing.
"Jesus, if you are there I need Your help!"
What is hitting bottom? Hitting bottom is when you have stopped bouncing back up to where you have been falling from. Once that has finished, you have now actually hit bottom. There is where you can now stand. Two choices will be given to you. Suicide or Life. But, you have been convinced all along the way that suicide is the door you should walk through. What you are going through now is like walking through a field of soft roses. But if you choose that door of suicide. Once it opens, you are going to find out the true meaning of hell! And immediately you will know, drugs were not your problem.
Since you are now standing...
FIGHT & CHOOSE LIFE! And You Shall Receive It!

These Thoughts Are About To Change
Take Hold Of It

And He Aways Shows Up

You have sat there and listened
to all my troubles.
And all you can say to me is.
"Come to our church this Sunday."
Why would I want to go to that church, if you that goes to that church, can't tell me here and now about this God you say you love and believe in?
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
1st Peter 3:15
It's actually worse than that. Most Christians can't even tell someone
why they even go to church. They always say, "Well, I'm trying to get closer to God,
I'm learning." Same thing as saying, "I need to eat better, I need to exercise more."
Usually never happens.

God Loves You
Get Up
Stand Up
What shame? God removes ALL Shame and Guilt.
Isaiah 1:18, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
In Man's World, you would think I shouldn't be putting myself out here like this. Shhhhhh, don't let anyone know I chose the life my adversary had planned for me years in the making: a hell destined drug addict. But, since God cleaned up my act, I'm now a distinguished home builder. I was on my way to be a professional baseball player, I was recognized by my abilities of being a pitcher. I pitched for years throughout Mile High, high school and BabeRuth leagues, and things were in place for that to happen. I wonder...would I have found Christ if I had gone down that path?
Doubt it very seriously. Maybe, probably...I just don't know. In that journey somewhere, I might have started to go to church but what scares me more...I would have wound up being just a lukewarm Christian never having experienced the Damascus road of Christ's love.
Every Christian can have a Damascus experience if only they would seek Him with all their heart. In other words strong multiple testimonies which strengthens your faith and now can be shared excitedly to those who need to hear. Kind of like what we are doing here on this website.
James 4:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Boldly Go For Everything God Has For You.

Bold Men Are Rising
35 Years

His Love
For You


John 5
"You People Do Know I'm
Alive Don't You"?
It's nice you believe what you have studied.
But, have you ever experienced any of it?
Don't let some man's theology, keep you
from that. Or satan.
James 4:8
Higher Power I hate this term, means absolutely nothing.
This is a term coined in the 1930s in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and is used in other twelve-step programs.It is also sometimes referred to as a power greater than ourselves and is frequently abbreviated to HP.The term sometimes refers to a supreme being or deity, or some conception of God. Most meetings last one hour or 90 minutes. At the end of the meeting, the group members stand, join hands, and recite the Lord's Prayer or the Serenity Prayer, for those who care to join.Once again we have lost man trying to help lost man. Satan however loves this term (higher power), he knows your life is short and you will never come to know the true God listening to people who unknowably are serving him.
One Short Story of Hundreds:
Years ago the label Christian was looked upon as power,strength,hope and salvation. Today it's becoming, weak, feeble-minded,feared and doomed. Just like our adversary likes it.
My wife and her friend have been talking for years about her heroin addicted husband. He went down and gave his life to the Lord at a Billy Graham convention. Months have gone by,
and he enters AA. Months have gone by and he took a knife while laying in bed and gutted himself from the belly up. Over that period of a year when this came to my attention, I told my wife, let me go and talk to him. She said the family wanted to keep his addiction private. I still kick myself from agreeing to their terms. Look where private got them.
In other words...stay back while satan does his work. You never know what is going through an addicted mind at any given moment. Being addicted to anything is proof satan is fighting to have your life as hard as you're trying to keep it. Like tug of war and the Grand Canyon is the devided line. But you say you don't believe in satan. With that type of thinking and your heels dug in, satan just pulled you inches closer to that cliff. That's where Christ (if you cry out) is standing by to grab that rope with you. Hallelujah!!!!
Becoming A Warrior
One thing I have noticed and it happens 100% of the time. That's when an addict, or anyone for that matter has been delivered from their sins, set free and given a new life, they are your best disciples for Christ. They now have a testimony.
Actually, God is all they want to talk about. You see, your adversary knows what you will become if you ever have a relationship with Christ. He is hell bent on making sure that never happens. Now you have become a threat to him and a warrior for those in need. Luke 7:47 They love much, because they have been forgiven of much.
Question :
If Marijuana is so good and you say it doesn't bother you and you have no problem with it. Then why are hundreds each day across this earth getting delivered from this substance and all other sins mentioned in God's word through Jesus Christ? Why would Jesus need to step in if something is good for you? Because those unlike yourself have seen the evil related to these plants. Remember, wasn't Adam & Eve tempted with a plant?

On Fire
Are you on fire for Christ? You should be.
Do you know for a fact you will enter heaven? Some answer that question like this, "I sure hope so." If that is your answer...I lament it is not so.
Miracles: I've witnessed many. But the greatest miracle of all is a man/women giving their life to Christ. I've known men who would rather slit your throat than look at you. But to watch them come under the forgiving power of Christ and run around yelling, "Thank-You-Thank-You-Thank-You Lord" is a sight to behold. They become real Teddy Bears. Now they have a testimony.

How long have you been
dragging yourself to church?
20-30-50+ years?
If it took you that long
to achieve your college
degree, your colleagues might be talking.

Your Goal
Satan says you can
go to church every
Sunday, but........
Todays Christians

Lets Stop Here For A Second
Our world is the way it is now because the churches power has been
unplugged and God's word has been watered down to where it is unrecognizeable. We are at that time, where the Christian is going to have to take a stand for what they believe. But, they will have to stand for all things past. You see, if they had stood when they should have, we would not be where we are today. They will not stand this time either. They will not have the power (Testimonies) to fight. You need to get them ready...but they may not follow you. Because, they like you the way you are.
Short True Story Example:
We live in the mountains but over on the other side is a major city.
And in this city was a Baptist preacher. He has been preaching at his church for many years. I was told this story by a person who attended his church. One evening he was so convicted that he wasn't teaching his people right about Christ. He went into his room, he got on his knees for hours asking Jesus if he was telling his congregation correctly about Him. Well, something must have happened. Because he couldn't wait for the next Sunday to come quickly enough. It's Sunday morning and people are starting to arrive. He's nervous, itching to get to todays topic. He comes to the pulpit, tears of joy running down his face. The congregation looking a bit bewildered quieted down. He falls to his knees and asked for all of them to forgive him and tells them what happened that night when Jesus came to him. "The Jesus I've been telling you about has been all wrong."
You see...he met Jesus. The next Sunday never came for this pastor. The congregation had a meeting during the week, and fired him.
Turn It Off!
Stop telling my
people about me.
If you know me
Show them me

Talked to a lady from one of our surrounding churches. She said, "Jesus isn't coming back until we get it right." Really? I know for a fact that church doesn't teach that. Another lady attending a different church said, "I can't have or send anything that displays a picture on it." WOW!!! had to do with graven images. I also no for a fact that church doesn't come no where near teaching that. Actually, she got delivered from that one evening, HALLELUJAH!! it was glorious. Spoke to a man and he said, "The church he attended, he doesen't really believe what they believe, but thinks any man searching for God is his brother." That one has to be the worst I've ever heard. I could go on and on. You see pastors, your flock is not what you think they are. You do them no service. Their blood is on your hands. This is more evidence of just knowing about Jesus, instead of knowing Jesus.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging their salvation. But if they knew Jesus then they would be worth something to someone. My parents and relatives all went to church, so I'm guessing they all had lukewarm
pastors. Because, even in my dire SATANIC moments...they never mentioned His name. Thus, they were no good for anyone...not me...not even themselves.
But that has all changed. Because I came to know the Lord and showed Him to them. PRAISE GOD!!

He Wants
Isn't it funny how so many so called Christians have so many disagreeing beliefs. Where do they come up with all this stuff? There is one Jesus right? One bible right?
Some don't believe in tithing even if they have spent years in a church that teach it.
Some don't believe in speaking in other tongues. Others don't believe in healing. Some have said, "Those people getting slain in the spirit is just an act". Why is it, that they become so complacent? And you know what?, They never step out and test to see if these are real or not. They just sit in church week after week after week powerless. I look at faith like Popeye looks at spinach. The more he ate, the stronger he got. You want everything God has for you. I've seen the fruit and many miracles when I tithe, which increased my faith. I remember praying for my grandmother one evening, she was in agony from shingles all over her body. Immediately rebuked this attack and watched the sores right there dry up and heal, automatic increase in faith. My faith went off the charts when I recieved the Holy Ghost. The book (You Don't Have To Die To Meet God) tells of that great battle and victory. Been slain in the spirit, even seen babies slain... WOW!! increased faith there. Have seen many many healings, another increase. God has even shown me sin, no wonder He can't look upon it, talk about a faith increase there. And I have been shown our adversary in person, Yes, with a sober mind. Holy Mackerel, INCREASE,INCREASE!!. I can't stress it enough, you need to James 4:8 God everyday!!! Satan loves it when you just stay where you are. What ever you do, don't get closer to God. O ye of little faith.

Pre Trib?
Mid Trib?
Post Trib?
Just Make Sure You Are
Ready For Either. And Be Leaving With Him When He Does Come Back!
Who Cares!

Get Over It
Some churchs
and friendships
have split over
this issue.
Half the time
it's just their
own IDEA.
Being Saved Is
All That Matters.
The Man & The Sign

We have all seen this in our life times at one point or another. But, how many of you just drive or walk on by thinking, "Good grief dude, get a life." Never once saying to yourself...YES!!! he loves my father. I must go up and talk with him. I need to know his testimony, on how he became so bold to stand there in front of all those strangers.
I'm sure this man at one time had the life you're wanting him to get. But now has the life he wants you to get.
People...the testimonies from such bold warriors as these are off the charts. Funny,
I haven't seen one lukewarm Christian telling anyone about Christ. He Awaits.
The lukewarm Christian is so quick to judge the man holding the sign. But the first words out of a lukewarm Christians mouth is, "You shouldn't judge." In other words, they want the conversation about God to end and end quickly, for they have nothing to say...and definitely don't have the time to listen. Thus, that's why they remain lukewarm. They have and always will make Satan's life easier. You don't have to stand there and hold a sign. But, don't let the sign in your heart remain blank. People need to hear of this God you say you believe in.
2nd Timothy 1:7
Suicide Testimony
He's Waiting

To The Addict
You think you're all alone. You think there is no way out, no where to turn. But you are looking only at yourself. Stop for just a minute and lets see how Jesus sees you. He has known you while you were in your mothers womb. He knows what makes you happy and has been with you in your fears. He sees how you have been struggling, He is also aware of all your sadness. And since He gave you free will, He only wishes you would choose Him. He is right beside you right now with His hand extended saying, "I Love You, Come As You Are. Come and I will make your path straight. Let Me show you the Life I have had planned for you from your beginning. You have been robbed enough. I will return 100 fold what the adversary has taken from you. Your new life starts now."
You might think you're the worst person on earth. But you're not even close. Sadly, in Jesus' eyes, you are not alone. You're no different than the man down the street who is married with three kids. Has a great job, never drank, took drugs, cussed, cheated, or even lied. You see, in man's eyes, he's what others hope they could be. But that's what man without Christ strives for. And don't put this word Christian on to high of a horse to which you can't climb up on. For many so-called christians are also in this category. They don't know Christ, you don't know Christ...are you not in the same boat? So your dilemma at the moment is joined and surrounded by those who call themselves good. You see....these people have no reason for a life change. They are very content just where they are. You however, need a life change, a blood transfusion if I may. I only wish I were there to witness what God is about to do in your life. Thank You Jesus!
Don't think you have to get better to call on Christ. Since when have you got cleaned up to take a shower? Like I said earlier above, you are right where you need to be. You are at a better place than many Christians have ever been. You are at a place where Christ can now open Himself up to you. It doesn't matter if you have never been in church, heard a sermon or even opened a bible. Since you have arrived at this location, your choice will be confirmed. Now your cry for help will be from sincere lips. Since you have tasted the love of Christ, and if by chance you fall a few times. You now have something you know is bigger than life to climb back up to. As you can see, yourself is not enough, your family is not enough, your friends are nowhere, not even your loving pet can fill this void. Christ Awaits.
Some Christians and even bible scholars are pretty strange birds. Some would look down on you for being addicts, most will not even know how to talk to you. That's fine, do not pay any attention to these people or remember how they acted in the past. Heathens know more about how a Christian should act than the Christian. But, Satan's warfare of today is to make sure Christians remain silent, for if they open their mouths they will look like fools to the lost. Great lie of course, but he really doesn't have to work that hard since they rarely ever have anything to say anyway.
NOW!!!! Immediately and I mean immediatley! You have now just ticked off the adversary that has had you for so long. He is not happy at all that you left him for Christ. You need to get with Born Again believers. You need to read God's word. And you will know what church to attend, because the Holy Spirit which is in you will let you know which one He's extremely exalted at. In you now is the knowledge of the saving grace of God.
And may I say one more thing?...Please hurry up, we need more WARRIORS!

Are as Bold as a Lion

Many will follow.
Many will follow.
Few will follow.

Is This You Mr. & Mrs. Christian
In this photo we are actually seeing the so called Christian
rooting for the gay movement and they don't even know it.God
gave man free will (to choose).
These people want to take away that free will of them ever coming to know Christ and send them immediately to hell.
Once again we have people calling themselves Christians and know nothing about Jesus.
TRUST ME!!! there is a hell!
But what is so sad about all this is...
These people calling themselves Christians might very well end up sharing the same cell with those they condemned to hell.
Do you carry a sign like that in your heart?
Christ Doesn't
In God's eyes, they are no different than the ones they protest against.
Think About It
Is this you? Seriously, are you going to a church that thinks homosexuality is ok. And you also see nothing wrong with it. Then you are of no good to yourself, anyone else and especially the homosexual. If you have this wrong, pretty sure you have the rest of God's word wrong, It's a given. What on earth is sin to you then? Would you let a thief know he isn't going to heaven? How about a drunkard? You need to see that all sin is sin in God's eyes. And to say you are a Christian (Christ Like) is lying. Satan kills two birds with one teaching. He gets the sinner in his web and also gets the so-called Christian, easy pickens.
The homosexual can get saved from his/her sins and so can the Christian. But not in a building called a church who allows sin to remain unchecked. How many lukewarm Christians are sending sinners to hell in the name of love and in the name of hate?
Remember people...It's not death & taxes---------It's Heaven or Hell!
Gay & Christian? LIE!
Lukewarm Christians sat in their churches today thinking homosexuality is ok. While many homosexuals gave their lives to Christ and got delivered from that sin. Next Sunday the lukewarms will attend church again and so on and so on.
So, who are the real fools here? The ones who say there is no God. Or, the ones who say there is a God but don't believe anything the God says.
Like any other sin. If homosexuality was good. Then why by the hundreds each year are they getting delivered from it by Jesus Christ? You Tube for yourself...and watch the testimonies.

With Homosexuality
being only 3-5% of
Americas population.
And 60-65% of those
Christians who say it doesn't bother them.
Then it looks like...
Satan's Army stands at
a staggering 64%
Are Lukewarm Christians
part of Satan's Army?

Why are we the way we are today?
Watch This
Hey Christian...Are you, or do you think you are not part of the 60 plus percent?
Christians have stood for nothing and still don't.
Quit treating God like He was defeated.
Sid Roth
It's Supernatural


Your Adversary
Yes, You Do Have One.

This is how many of you Christians live
your lives. Actually, no different than
before you started calling yourself a
Christian. Satan is at peace in your
The Christian who has truly given his or
her life to Christ. Now knows satan's
primary goal. And that is to keep you thinking as you have been, little as possible about God.
Here he
Has You
Here he
If you say what I'm saying is total bunk. Then just try to get to know God more and watch Satan awaken in you. But be warned, the attacks will be fierce and deadly. Know that with Christ he will be kicked out and victory shall be achieved.
Getting to know God more doesn't mean
more studying, more reading more trying.
It's letting Christ have control of your heart.All that will come after.
It's Time For A
Heart Attack

Touchy Subject Isn't It? Good!
Then lets expand on it a little further. I know what your thinking. Who do I think I am?
What are my credentials to seem so bold? Well, that's easy. In a sense, I have none from a human perspective. But in a greater sense, my credentials are established from the highest Professor of professors. For I know personally whom you study. He wants to be boldly known.
Lets get back to the one holding you back all these years. Have you noticed in the headlines lately about the drag queens performing at the libraries? How the kids sit with amazement, smiling and singing along. That's how it is with some of you at church. You have never been any where else except that church for years and years. Same pastor (drag queen) and you think it is right. Just like the little kids think the queens are right. They know no better and to know better doesn't even enter their minds. To the kids it's the singing, dancing, laughter, good friends, everything except: why does the man dress as a woman? Don't bring that up, that would destroy the great fun and they wouldn't understand it. You see, that is how satan works in you. The lukewarm christian will always look for a church that he/she feals comfortable in.
No, it's where satan feals comfortable. He has trained your thoughts your entire life and you take him every where you go. You don't want to go to that church because they do this. You don't want to go to that church because they do that. Music to high, sermons to long, there is no cross, there is to many crosses. And you think it is you thinking all those thoughts. If you're in a church that doesn't give 2 cents about satan, you should run. But, you see, you won't, because satan doesn't like running. He doesn't want you to know there is more to God than you're being told. Don't take this personally you're not alone, you're among millions who have not met Christ. I Must admit, satan is doing a fine job. Univeralism...now satan has convinced many so called Christians there is no hell. All will go to heaven. You see where we are going here. All because you are content with where you are with God. A lot of blame goes on the pastors here. A lukewarm pastor creates lukewarm christians. He does them no good. GET OUT!!
But, how could you tell if the pastor is the problem, I mean how could you. Satan sure isn't going to tell you, he loves it there. I've had many Christians tell me that they don't give satan the time of day. It's funny, because within seconds I see him all over you. I could give you a vision that God gave me about satan (sin), It is beyond horrible, but you couldn't handle it. Until you come to Christ will such a vision be understood and believed. Yes, there are people out there, bible scholars, phd bible history professors, phd Christian counselors, I know plenty. But what I see in them is only intellegence. They have good memories on the subject they have been taught to obtain their degrees. But lack CHRIST!!! They can tell you everything about Paul, Luke, their travels, dates, times, history, things you've never heard of, things that don't matter. But, I could never get one of them to whole heartedly tell me about the Jesus in them. Just wasn't there.
Your kids are alive, your wife speaks with you everyday. Do you just sit there and study them
day by day year by year, taking notes? Do you take those notes and have your friends read them, and pass them out for later studies? Didn't think so. So why are we studying Christ like He is some history book? Satan loves it though, he knows it has got you no where. And he is also very content on you not even stopping to look within yourself. Satan is probably the worlds best fire fighting company. He is quick to douse any spark that may rise up about Jesus. He's filling his pail as your reading this. But, he has only a limited water supply. Once the spark becomes roaring flames...Hallelujah, you are out of control, only 1% contained.
So, if you have the guts, give satan a wake up call..it's time to kick him out!
Meet Christ...then study your heart out if you want. You will want to then with a whole new heart. Satan will tell you when you're in the right place (church) or not.
Jesus will let you know if you are in the right place (church) or not.
Jesus Break These Chains

How Much Does It Cost To Go To Drug Rehab?
Well-known centers often cost up to $20,000 for a 30-day program. For those requiring 60- or 90-day programs, the total average cost of rehab could range anywhere from $12,000 to $60,000. Outpatient programs for mild to moderate addictions are cheaper than inpatient rehab. Many cost $5,000 for a three month program.
I've known plenty of family's that have gone down this road. And to my knowledge, they got the parents for a healthy bill, but the addict?...nothing changed, actually they became worse. There is usually only a 2% cure rate. Our adversary loves it. Take down the whole family at the same time he's destroying part of it.
But we have all heard the saying, "The Best Things In Life Are Free."
Romans 6:22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
John 8:36
New International Version
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
The Cost Is Nothing...He Already paid It For You...All It Costs You Is A CHOICE.
Christian, Are You This Happy?
If Not, You Can Be.
Christ Awaits
You might want
to watch
this 57 second clip.
It's been 35 years
for me. And I'm
still this happy.
Are You
It's not possible to have the slightest bit of shame, when you truly meet Christ. You become as bold as Christ.
Congratulations on your testimony.
True Story

Do others know you are
a Christian?
A future client showed up at my office for the scheduled morning appointment. He hadn't sat down for more than two minutes and said this, "WOW! I can surely tell you are a Christian.
Look at all those paintings of Christ hanging on the walls. Check out the properly staged quotes every where, Ha! even your writing utensils give glory to Christ. I know for a fact, no one does all this if they don't have some testimonies under their belt. Let me tell you a story. I have a friend which has been my friend for over 35 years. He flew out to see me last year from New York. He's a very established business man. He flew all the way out here to Albuquerque New Mexico, to tell me how Jesus saved him last week. That's great and all, but do you know what really got me? It's, that he thought I didn't know Jesus Christ. You see, I am a
Christian, but it sure woke me up, that my closest friend after all these years, couldn't even tell. He came to share with me the powers of Jesus Christ. Trust me, now when someone talks to me, or comes through my front door...They see that my God is ALMIGHTY!!!

The Polls Suggest America Is 80% Christian
Seriously, if that was the case, all churches would be packed, bible studies would be flourishing and there would be 4-7 Christians standing on every corner.
And our friend Juan here wouldn't have that attitude. Because he was told the good news from all them Christians.
Be careful Christian, Jesus loves Juan as much as He loves you. He died for you both.
And when Juan gets saved...you will know he loves Christ. Yep, the God you say you love.
How do we know God is going to save Juan?
We Just Prayed For Him!
Don't let this man love God more than you do.
Just because
you say you
believe in
Doesn't Cut It
Prisoners in prison that are saved by
Jesus Christ, are more free than the
lukewarm Christian that's not in prison. Actually, the lukewarm Christians want nothing to do with such people. They always say..."I never did anything that bad"
You see, it has nothing to do with your goodness, but,
has everything to do with if you know you are saved
60 Minutes...

I was walking by the T.V. one evening and 60 minutes was on. Was ready to change the channel to a
Christian station, but it caught my attention. It was an interview with Jeffrey Dahmer and his dad. But before I could change to the Christian channel, 60 minutes said..."Please stay tuned, because we are going to show you something that we were not going to show you." Hmmmmm, I'm glad I didn't change the channel. Dahmer gave his testimony on how Jesus came into his prison cell and forgave him of all his sins. He felt so bad about what he had become and what he had done with his life and cried out to Christ.
I JUMPED FOR JOY. A joy knowing, what it is like to have your sins forgiven by Jesus.
Many years later I was speaking to a Christian lady, and in our conversation I brought up this 60 minute segment. Then I said, "Wasn't it great that Dalmer gave his life to Jesus Christ"? A silence which left her searching for something to reply lasted far longer than it should have. Finally, she spoke and said this.
"Well, that's nice, but I hope he is not on the same side of the fence I'm on when I get to heaven." People....I have to say this...If that is you in any way, form or fashion. Then you are just a reader of Christ, a studier of Christ, a hoper of Christ, a trier of Christ, a dreamer of Christ. But you are definitely........
Not In Christ
Stop! Playing Church, You're playing with your life here. He's Still Waiting!
Just One More Thought : All the families in this story, those at the court room, sisters, mother's, father's, lawyers, judges etc. Who were screaming in court condemning this
man to a hell they might very well be heading to if they don't come to Christ.
You see...sin is sin in God's eyes, He forgives all who ask.

This Is The Biggie...
Many of you will see yourself in this.
A Christian man who attends church regularly, studies his bible daily and meets for the weekly bible studies,
had his store robbed. The policeman said they had the thief in the back of the squad car. The angry Christian man said he wanted to go out to the car and give him a piece of his mind. The policeman said that wouldn't be a good idea. He will remember you, and maybe come back after you. I stopped by and mentioned to the Christian man...Since they have him in the back of the car, why don't you go out there and tell the thief about Jesus, you know...the Jesus you say you worship. The angry Christian man made the wierdest face against me, like gasping for air or something and said this to my shock. "THAT'S YOUR JOB!!"
You see, this Christian man, has never experienced forgivenss from Jesus. All he does is go to church, study his bible and go to bible studies. So, according to Jesus, this man does not get to be forgiven.
Matthew 6:14-15
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your father forgive
your trespasses.
The Christian man had no testimony to share with a lost soul. But sure had plenty of flesh left. Like I've said, you can read, listen and study all your life and get nowhere. The robber was there, the Christian was there...But not one sign of Jesus being there. Poor robber missed his chance to hear about Jesus.
Another True Story
You Will Never see The Miracles (Testimonies) Of God by Holding Tightly To Your Flesh
This Is How You Forgive and Get a Testimony
When you have been forgiven of your sins, you truly know why people do what they do, they have not experienced their sins being forgiven. And you want so bad for them to meet Christ as you did. It's Christmas Eve and all our water pipes are frozen up. Sent my wife to get some Kerosene
at the only station open 20 miles away. One hour later my wife calls screaming...She could barely speak, she said a man ran up to here and took her purse. My truck was in the shop, so you can imagine what I was going through. Nothing I could do to help. I was just stuck pacing back and forth thinking what I would do if I got my hands on this guy. But those thoughts lasted for only 2 minutes. I got on my knees and told God what I wanted to happen next. Lord, you love this man as much as you love me. Inside the purse is my mobile phone with 7's written all over it. My wife has many things in there that represent you. Let this man see all these things and be convicted by you. There is no need for this man to be caught. Have him drop the purse off behind a store and call the gas station and let them know where he put it. My wife returned home a couple of hours later after dealing with the police. We went over the entire evening again. The phone rings it's the police officer. He says, "Maam, we just received the strangest phone call." The person who took your purse said he left it in a dumpster in the back of Church's Chicken. We are on our way to get it. Everything was still in the purse even the $270.00 we didn't even think of.
That's how you forgive..........you forgive, because you have been forgiven. AND KNOW IT!!!!!!
Look at all the testimonies here...big one for myself, my wife got one, the policeman got one,
the gas station attendant got one. And can you imagine what the thief must of thought. God is alive people. That is one of hundreds of testimonies. Get your flesh out of the way and kill it.
Don't Limit God...He Awaits For You As If You Are The Only One

Lukewarm's search for God with their flesh.
Born Again Christians, search for God with His Spirit.
Getting to where you can't tell the difference anymore.
Years ago when I got born again I knew a few satanists. They told me, every week they went out and prayed at all the stores throughout the country. They would pray and lay their hands on the alcohol, the playboy magazines, the pills...actually anything that would hender the Christian from getting closer to God. They seem to praying more than the Christians did. It must be working, because I am bewildered at what the so called Christian is letting into the church today in the name of God. Instead of being of help to the lost, they are just climbing into bed with them. A bed both will share in eternity seperated from God.
It's getting hard to tell the difference between a man and a woman these days, as it is a Christian and a satanist. The lukewarm Christian really gets mad when you tell them they are no different. I get it if you are 6 to 8 years old. But the majority I speak with are in their 70's. WOW!!!! Look, it's this simple people, if your pastor won't tell you, then I will. There is a hell, who goes to hell? Exactly...those who have not made God their Lord and savior. So, the way these lukewarm Christians think about things these days, are no different than what the satanist's believe along with many cults, who have not and never will make God their Lord and savior. You are no longer a peculiar people. Once again we are where we are today because of the lazy Christian. But, the lazy Christian doesn't see it that way. They are starting to see God the way the unbelievers see Him. They are accepting a powerless God.
Well, God is not going to stand for it, and I wouldn't want to be on that lacking end. Trust me, I had a lukewarm Christian 60 years old and a satanist 26 years old in the same room, the questions asked and the answers that followed were of no difference. Each one knew very little about Christ. But the 26 year old satanist got saved and left the 60 year old lukewarm Christian in the dust. Why? Because the satanist now found the truth and knew immediately he was wrong all those years. The 60 year old remained steadfast in his lack of knowledge. I find it harder to get through to a lukewarm Christian than I do a full blown, extremely hardened, self centered, hating atheist. "Depart from Me"...those are words I surely don't want to hear from Jesus and I surely don't want you to hear those words. But, you individually should be more worried about that than I. Please people He Awaits...He doesn't want none to perish. Don't be the one who perish's. His word you read...is for you to change...His word will not change for the changing times. It's time to choose...Are you for Him?...if not, you are automatically against Him. Come to Him, His love that awaits for you will put your fears into perspective.
You will no longer be afraid of death, loosing your job, your kids or wife/husband...because
the fear that horrifying fear of perishing which exalts all those other fears will be taken care of. And you will say...as all do...why did it take me so long? GLORY HALLELUJAH!!!!

I Can't Believe
Casting Crowns: One Step Away
Come As
You Are
How many who call themselves Christians, never
ever go and support Christian movies. WOW!!!
If for any other reason just to see if they line up
with the Holy Spirit which lives inside you.
If you pay your taxes, you have a right to gripe about the government. If you don't support your
Christian movie industry...keep silent about
Loves going to the movies.
We have all expeienced sadness when an animal or child dies
in the show, we relate to that.
BUT....At a Christian movie,
the Holy Spirit which lives
inside you gets to experience
if what the movie portrays is
truly Himself, now He relates.
NOW!!! that coke or popcorn in
your hand might not mean as much. A tear may form, a warmth may occur and a joy, a joy of all joys will come over you. An urge to stand and yell at the top of your voice.
YES! YES! That's what God did for me!
That is...That is
The God I Know
And Love!


My Pet Peeve: You are probably wondering why I keep picking on the Christians. Not all, I know plenty who are on fire for Christ. You will to, when Christ delivers you. Yes... you will know you have been delivered. You will experience God's love. Yes... you will actually feel His Love. You will receive forgiveness from all your sins past and future. Yes...you will know this. You will want and receive all of God's gifts. Yes...since you've tasted His goodness from the things that were mentioned above, you will want more and more and more. His word will constantly be on your lips. You will not be able to shut up about Him and after awhile this question will appear in your thoughts.
Exactly! Now you're getting it.
I believe God has called me to make warriors out of the lukewarm Christians.
I got saved April 10th 1988. Yes, radically saved, like you will be. Feels like yesterday.
So, here is my Pet Peeve...I went through 12 years of pure hell, a hell none of you have been through. My family is Christian, and at that time were lukewarm. Bless their hearts for praying, I do know that helped.
Here is an example of a guy who was in his sixties at that time. Always went to church, always. Probably in church right now. He caught up to me as I was driving down the road. I was higher than I've ever been, just purchased some demise and paranoia was at it's peak and now I have to stop and visit. Yes, I wanted to put the pedal down and run, but I pulled over. He came to the window and as he saw my sweaty distorted wild eyed face, he said.
"Rick, next time you fill the need to get drugs, please come and see me first."
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? Come and see him... Right.
I looked back on this after I got saved, and it baffles me. Lord? Why didn't he tell me about YOU!!!! Heres a man that goes to church all the time. And today, if you bring up God, he changes the subject, apparently still has nothing to say about this God he believes in. But hey, he's in church. Plus, my mother took me to a Christian counselor one evening, trying the best she knew how. Again nothing. Nothing about the POWER OF THE SAVING GRACE OF JESUS.
So...there I went off into 12 years of pure hell. WOW! It was so horrible beyond belief.
You can be assured...That Won't Happen On My Watch for someone else!
Oh...By the way, my mother was there when Jesus came into the garage that night, experiencing the over flow of His presence. NOT LUKEWARM NO MORE! Hallelujah!
To The Lukewarm Christian
The word Lukewarm is only used for those with this present understanding.
Actually, I wasn't going to do this section. But after a week had gone by, the thought reoccurred...Lukewarm Christians don't think they are lukewarm.
I'm not questioning their salvation. Just want them to seek the One more and more to whom they have received this salvation by grace.
Most likely everything that I have said on this website will go over a lukewarm Christians head.
But will be praised and understood clearly by a true Born Again Christian.
My time at Teen Challenge 31 years ago was no where luke warm for Christ. One year there was more than a life time compared to lukewarms travels. We called it God's Boot Camp.
Every morning we went to the chapel and prayed. Then off to breakfast. Then go to class and study till noon. Then back to prayer. Get cleaned up head off to church. Come back and go back to class and study till evening. Hurry to get cleaned up again and go off to the nightly church service. Come back and head into the chapel for prayer before bed. Friday we enter the inner city. Knock on all the doors at the projects, hit the homeless shelters and invite everyone to the inner city church for that nights service. This goes on Every single day and week. Then spring comes. Off we go traveling all over the state. Staying with many churches. Seeing the sick healed, leading people to Christ. Constantly in the presence of God. Not one minute out of the 365 days are you ever out of God's hands.
Do you know what makes us WARRIORS FOR CHRIST?
First our testimony. Then....all the things we have seen Christ do for His People and the lost. You physically see it and experience it with your own eyes.
But...a lukewarm Christian will never see these things. Because he is nowhere. He will never see the move of God. Just stays in the simple faith that he is accustomed to. And the thought of advancing their faith never comes to mind.
I have invited plenty of them to healing services, prayer services, Holy Ghost services, bible studies, anything that would boost their faith.
They don't want to come. So...their faith never grows.
They don't listen to Christian music, they don't go to Christian movies, they don't watch Christian television, you couldn't tell if they were Christians when you stepped through their front door, they never put some sort of sticker on their car pertaining to Christianity, they couldn't tell you of a great Christian author and God forbid they ever wear a Christian t-shirt.
Sundays, if nothing else is more important, they might show up to church and quoting John 3:16... well, that might be all you get out of them. Actually, this might be harsh to say, but some times I can't tell the difference from a lukewarm Christian and someone who is attending a satanic church.
Some have even told me they don't believe in satan or hell. WHAT? Our will which God has so freely given us is as powerful for Him... as it is used for Satan. How can God be so loving and send people to hell? First off, He doesn't send anyone. The power of their free will in which they chose, instead of choosing the knowledge of their great Lord, created that concrete thought in their minds, with no evidence what so ever of it's truth. Many take that to their death beds...Actually, now they have died twice (Romans 1:28). They will now live for eternity in that second death. Jesus is waitng to change that mind set.
I've witnessed many satanic warlocks and witches come to Christ. Why?...because I was there. I also have known men who have been so troubled. That they shut themselves off in a room or went out into the desert for days and nights with no food or water, willing to die if they don't hear from Jesus. Guess what?...Jesus has always showed up. Depends on how bad you need to hear from Christ I suppose. One year lukewarm maybe...5 to 50 years? My God, who is your pastor?
I want the lukewarm Christian to become bold. But this will never happen until they step out and take God seriously. Sometimes I think this is the only scripture you need. James 4:8----
Draw Closer To Me And I Will Draw Closer To You. When you do this...all scriptures fall in place.
Actually, the lukewarm Christians are starting to look pretty silly to those who are truly seeking the Lord. And they would call this judging. Yep, that is usually their return phrase. Lets see them use that when they are face to face with God after their last breath.
Today...Come Boldly...Christ Awaits Your Return.

What Is Your


He Wants All Names
Lord, We are here to help fill your book.

That's In There!?
Warning against Drifting Away 11We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain, because you are dull of hearing.12Although by this time you ought to be
teachers, you need someone to reteach you the basic principles of God’s word. You need milk,not solid food. 13For everyone who lives on milk is still an infant, inexperienced in the message of righteousness.…
Hebrews 5:12
You Are
Missing Out!
Got God?
No one wants Meat
This is your God right?
They say they are born this way. That's why they need to be born again.
Azusa christian students kneel before the rainbow flag
Satan Thumbs His Nose At God
Of course our Christian universities are becoming lukewarm. Not sure they were ever hot. I've spoke to many Christians that
say they don't see anything wrong with this. Then satan has you fooled also...because...He knows, YOU AINT A CHRISTIAN!!!
The Christians are suppose to have and share the good news to the lost. But they have become just as lost.They never knew the good news. Just read about it in a book called the bible.
Just reading and reading. If that.
You Should be boiling mad!

Churches all over the world
are changing their steeples.
The lukewarm Christian can't even tell it's
happening right under their noses.
But in their absence...many are taking their places in the new...
Church Changing With Culture

When you have nothing to say...
You have given the
Jehovah witness
more power in their
false belief.

Have You seen a Demon?
Well, I have. So I will expand a little here. Actually talked to one once. He is mentioned somewhere on this site. I went online and was just curious to what it takes to be an exorcist. You have to have a bachelor's degree and be ordained by the church, and something else but I forget. That's funny, a demon could care less if you are educated or are ordained by anything. This is what I've been talking about on this entire site. Theology, man's theology about Christ. If you haven't experienced Christ, then all you have is a theology. But...be very careful, that's why we have so many theologies. The demon's come as angels of light, and make you think it is God. Especially when they see you are heading in God's direction. I know...it sucks. But that's why I keep stressing the importance of meeting Christ.
He will let you know what is real (truth). Trust me...I do not need a degree, I do not need to be ordained, I need nothing man thinks we need to perform an exorcist. I have the power of Christ, as you should want. It is yours to have. Demon's love the religion you have chosen. Man's religion.
Demon's: "Jesus we know, Paul we know of... but who are you?"
Are you a fisher of men? If not, then now is your chance. Many lukewarm Christians have died today. I'm sure they are with Jesus...but they definitely didn't bring others with them. I tell you now, this Jesus you believe in wants none left behind. But if you KNEW HIM instead of just believing and KNOWING HE IS ALIVE NOW, instead of saying that when you die and meet Him face to face... You would have that spirit of boldness for today. Do you just attend church and don't give a flip who perishes? Be careful..the line in which you stand may seem right to you, or is it.
There are many lost souls out there at the demon's reach. They also reach for you, but can you tell? Can you feel them? see them? hear them? or are you to numb. Here is a fact in my polling.
10 out of 10 lukewarm Christians can give me no testimony, but think they are right on the money with Jesus. People, it's time to be the demon's worst nightmare, without a testimony you have been their festive meal all your life. I was lukewarm for 31 years, and still would be if I hadn't done what this website is telling you to do. This is your life or your death and God to be truly loved by you....gave you this choice. He Awaits...please choose His life for yours.

Lets say you are outside working in the yard. And
a spaceship lands in your driveway and out walks an alien with lipstick on. Grabs you by the neck and lays on a big ol' wet kiss.
Throws his hands in the air and shouts, "I am
here and there is no God!"
Is your faith strong enough at that moment to proclaim he's a liar?
Our government is afraid that if they told us that aliens do exist, religion might go out the door.
Of course some people in the government might think that would be the case. But there are people
out here who have actual testimonies about God.
Definitely not the time to be lukewarm and at a loss with the whole testimony thing.
Satan is here to keep your faith interrupted. His goal is to destroy it. Little faith...easy to destroy.

God Is Looking Down
And saying, "How will my people ever come to know Me?"
With so many, ideas, views, and opinions.
Be very careful these days...just because a church has a cross on it doesn't mean the Holy Spirit attends. And don't put man before Christ...meaning: Don't jump from church to church to church trying to find one you feel comfortable in. First make sure you have come to know Christ, then look for a church that also knows Christ. You will know! When you come to KNOW Christ, you don't automatically become one of man's theological game pieces. Now, if you choose to play that game the rest of your life, then you will have to be taught by someone who has been taught by someone who has been taught by someone who has been taught by someone about the way you should believe. You will know, if a pastor is telling you right, not wasting your life on hoping so, just because he calls himself a Pastor.
Instead of telling someone about Jesus.
Show them Jesus.
A person who has been taught about Jesus all their life.
Can still meet Him!
Beautiful site to behold when someone gets delivered from man's theology.

Run To Theo
Barabbas Mt. 27:26
Kept In
Let Out

A lukewarm might
think this is mean.
And the reason you might think that way is.
You Have Never Witnessed Anyone
Delivered From That Lifestyle, By Jesus.
Bottom Row. These are suppose to be Christians.
They look very pleased with their knowledge of God
A knowledge they were taught by their Pastors. SAD
Satan saw all that was loosed...and called it good.

You Can Lead
But You Can't Make It Think
A Human To Knowledge
What do you see in the picture below?Exactly...people...just people. But
notice, they are all happy. Why is
that? What do they know? Who do they know?
1 corinthians 6:9-11
9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
GEE...Do these people look upset
about that? NO!They have been delivered.

Get Into A Holy Spirit Filled Church.
The Holy Spirit Will Let You Know.

Many Delivered From Churches Who Incorporate
Man's Theology Of God. The Worst!
Feel Like Going To A Concert?

You say you've never been to a
Christian concert?
just surrender
your life to

Love Outweighs Likes Every Time

It's Very Sad
I talk to many Christians
throughout the day and
every day. actually it's all i
want to talk about. but you
christians don't. you are not happy
one bit that your sins are forgiven.
or do you even know they are forgiven. you must not, or it would be you telling all of us this great news.
I suppose you have never experienced your sins being washed as white as snow. you know you can right?
but, that's up to you. I've seen hundreds experience God's forgiveness, and god
is all they want to talk about after that. so if god is not what you want to talk about, then it's apparent,
he's never done
anything for you.
But of course, how can he, you won't let him.
1 John 2:1-2
My little children, these
things I write to you, so that
you may not sin. And if anyone
sins, we have an Advocate
with the Father, Jesus Christ
the righteous. And He
Himself is the propitiation
for our sins, and not
for ours only but also
for the whole world.

That Means You!

What Chair Are You In?
The Casual Chair thinks it is no different than the Committed Chair. Actually, the Casual Chair doesn't really think the Committed Chair even exists. So many Christians just sit casually along. Those sitting in the Confused Chair. Are thanking God there is a Committed Chair, for they know, without that chair existing, they would never ever get to know Christ. Many of us have been confused. We just by-pass the casual Christians all together. The casuals think they have arrived...
Satan Smiles.
Satan wants to take this time here, to
thank all of you for acting like total fools in front of his people. Keep it up, and no one will want your God. Not even you.

You've Heard,
You've Been Told.
No man knows the hour. But when that hour comes, will you be surprised badly?

Defeat Your Adversary
Unseen Miracles
Seek It All
Faith That's Unstoppable
Recieve The Holy Ghost
Heal Someone
Experience Healing
Experience Sin Forgiven
Get To Church
Fall In His Presence
Get Saved
Experience His Love
I've spoken with hundreds of
Christians who don't believe
in any of this. They got that
lid on so tight nothing will
open it. But Hey...Their tight
with God. Actually, they think we
are out of our minds. Why? Just
because we spend more time with Your Father?
Figure That One Out
This does not take years and years. It could happen before you leave this site.
2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all [Christians], with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being changed [transformed] into the same image [the image of God] from glory to glory [from that of man to God] just as by [the means of] the Spirit of the Lord.